27 August 2008

American Heroes

No. 1 - Brian Fentiman

There a number of newspaper and television items dedicated to highlighting the acts of heroism by our soldiers in Iraq. I think it's about time to acknowledge our American Heroes here at home, in civilian attire.

We Americans usually pride ourselves on our compassion for others. Be it helping survivors of a hurricane, flood or earthquake or those who take hot food to elderly neighbors in the midst of a harsh Minnesota winter. Others put their lives on the line to defend a total stranger from criminal violence. They do it freely, without reward or compensation. These are all heroes.

Mr. Fentiman's actions helped save the lives of two women, an infant, himself and his fiancée. By involving himself in a situation where others were at apparent risk, Mr. Fentiman showed the true American spirit.

It was June 28, 2008, a Saturday, just two days after the Supreme Court announced its 5-4 ruling that Washington, D.C., citizens have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment. Mr. Fentiman, who buys and renovates inner-city homes, along with his fiancée Maria, had spent the day showing real estate investors their investment properties in York.

They were on their way to Hanover, Pennsylvania to visit Mr. Fentiman's mother around 8 p.m. when they came upon what looked like a rear-end traffic accident. However, what Mr. Fentiman and his fiancée had come across was a case of out-of-control road rage.

Douglas Allen Need, along with his passenger Fred William Minnich, were driving recklessly when Need swerved in front of another car on east Philadelphia Street and was hit from behind. In a fit of road rage, he stormed out of his car, went back to two young women and a baby in the car that hit his, reached through the driver's window and started beating the driver violently.

She was able to break free and drive her car to the only place she could go -- the parking lot of a local beer distributorship next to the street. Need ran back to his car, squealed his tires into the parking lot and looked as though he was going to broadside the women's car with them still inside. At the last moment, he swerved his car around and blocked her from escaping.

Fentiman, seeing all this, pulled into the parking lot, got out of the car and yelled at Need to leave the women alone while Need's passenger, Minnich, was in the parking lot. The woman got out of her car and escaped into the store. Need followed but only moments later exited the store back into the parking lot.

Both Need and Minnich were uncontrollably enraged and seemed deranged past the point of caring who they hurt. They threatened that they had guns and were going to kill people. At one point, Minnich, armed with a box-cutter, entered the store and chased Evan Rineer of Columbia. During this chase, Minnich yelled, "You are here now, but you'll be dead by tomorrow" as he chased Rineer in the beer distributorship.

During this time, Need ran to the driver's side door of Fentiman's car and started pounding on the window, shouting at Fentiman's fiancée who was inside the car with the engine running. Fearing is fiancée's life was in danger because of the previous death threats, Fentiman drew his .45 caliber pistol, chambered a round and ordered Need to step away from the car. Need angrily complied.

Need then returned to the center of the parking lot, according to witnesses, and continued with threats and deranged behavior. After Fentiman went to the driver's door of his car, Need turned back and came at him, waving his arms and shouting, "just shoot me".

Fentiman ordered him to stay back, but Need closed the distance. At approximately five feet, Need put his hand into his pocket and Fentiman fired a round into Need's left thigh. Apparently unfazed, Need reached out and grabbed Fentiman by the shirt, ripping the top button and grabbed his right arm.

A second shot rang out at point-blank range into Need's thigh. The .45 caliber slug ripped through Need's femoral artery. Need went down and Fentiman nervously stepped back from his assailant.

York City Police Officer Kenneth Fogleman responded to the area after hearing shots. He had drawn his weapon and ordered Fentiman to drop his firearm, when Minnich came running out of the beer distributor door screaming and striking his chest. Fogleman had to take his attention off Fentiman to focus on Minnich, who charged at him and repeatedly asked to be shot.

Fogleman subdued and handcuffed Minnich. He then turned his attention to the now disarmed Fentiman who surrendered without incident. As he was being led, handcuffed, to a police car, one of the women he had defended thanked Fentiman for saving her life.

Douglas Allen Need died at York hospital. Fred William Minnich was charged with simple assault, disorderly conduct by engaging in a fight and public drunkenness. Minnich remains free on his own recognizance pending his Sept. 5 arraignment in York County Court.

Three weeks after the incident, the York District Attorney ruled that Fentiman's actions were justifiable and no charges would be brought.

Fentiman doesn't see himself as a "hero" and he says it is still hard to come to terms with taking another man's life. He's gone to a psychiatrist to help him deal with the emotions that come with taking a life. "He was a human being, he had a life and it was my actions that stopped him."

Fentiman's fiancée, Maria, says, though traumatic, this has brought them closer. Maria paid for Fentiman's concealed carry permit as a gift because he worked in such run-down parts of the city.

Mr. Fentiman tells his own story in The York Daily Record and how he copes with the aftermath. It is worth reading for his insights.

Know someone who's an American Hero for defending others? Tell us about it by writing to: blogeditor@handgunclub.com

25 August 2008

Obama - Oh Brother!

Joe Biden? Are you serious?

Obama selected Delaware's Joe Biden as his vice-presidential running mate. Yes, Joe "hoof-in-mouth" Biden. Or as some people might call him, Joe "anti-gun" Biden. I'm beginning to wonder of Obama's brain is made of Gouda cheese.

But, I'm not sure if this is a curse or a blessing.

Obama record says he wants to ban all semi-automatic weapons and he opposes all CCW laws. He's from Mayor Daley's Chicago, hardly a gun-friendly city.

Couple Obama with speak-before-you think Biden who is hostile to gun owners and gun rights, and it'll be a dismal four years. Biden has a NRA rating of F- simply because they don't have anything lower.

Hell, before I'd vote for these two clowns, I'd vote for Jabba the Hut. At least then, I'd know I'm voting for a self-serving slug.

A Democrat victory in this election would mean a president that is anti-gun and who could appoint several anti-gun Supreme Court judges.

The recent win in the Supreme Court Heller case was a meager 5-4 decision. It's frightening to me that only five justices were in the majority. Especially when you consider the number of documents from history that support the individual right.

Further, the court divided neatly between conservative and liberal-minded justices, making the Heller case very much a political football. Only Justice Kennedy's well-known "swing vote" prevented a stalemate. We cannot rely on that kind of fortune.

An anti-gun president, like Obama, could try to add like-minded judges to the court who are young and healthy. This would leave a 20 to 30 year legacy disastrous to the country and gun rights. I'll make this simple:

Gun owners cannot afford a President like Obama and a congress controlled by Democrats.

For now, we have just the one Supreme Court decision on our side. Many things can force the retirement of one or more of the five Justices to allow replacements to be appointed. If that were to happen in the first two years, we could see a case fast-tracked to the court so they could reverse the Heller decision. We could lose big time.

Meanwhile, a Democrat Congress could give us new restrictions and taxes. Each new law would require lengthy and expensive appeals. We could find ourselves awash in even more regulations and restrictions.

Silver Lining
I mentioned that Obama's selection of Biden might be a blessing. If Democrat gun-owners are truthful with themselves, they'll see that there is a major risk in voting for Obama. Not only for themselves, but their children and grandchildren.

If your right to own and use your firearms is important to you, be it for hunting, self-defense, sport or recreational shooting then you won't want to vote for Obama-Biden. Personally, I'd see any gun owner voting for Obama to be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

If you're a Democrat and on a low simmer over this article, you should be. But not at this messenger. You should be figuring out how to convince 3 or 4 other likely Democrat voters that Obama's "change" is not the change we need. This could turn out to be a "blessing" by opening the eyes of otherwise staunch Democrats before the election. I might suggest they write in Ron Paul's name instead of voting for Obama.

Then again, some people have suggested that Obama has done the impossible. He's made Hillary look like a viable choice! Now that's frightening!

Of course, this can also galvanize all those "embittered" conservative gun-owners to turn out at the polls. Remember that the last few elections have hinged on a bare margin of votes to elect a president, don't let Obama win because you didn't vote.

Not everyone is a single-issue voter. But regardless of why we went into Iraq, the military is now working out withdrawal plans with the Iraqi government. Chances are that we'll be out of there in the middle of the next presidential term, regardless of who occupies the White House. The price of oil will continue to fluctuate based not on who's in the White House, but on the politics of the Middle East.

Democrat Unity?
There is media talk about the Democrats uniting behind Obama and Hillary Clinton will now throw her support behind the party's candidate.

Yeah, riiiight.
I caught this photo on The Drudge Report showing Hillary looking anything but "unified" with Obama. In fact, I'd suggest to the Secret Service that they keep him out of low flying airplanes and away from trains, elevators and moving traffic.

The fact is, some 30% of the delegates Hillary won said they "have reservations" about Obama being president. And 15% are unsure if they want to vote for Obama. Hardly what you'd call "Unity", is it?

Ted Kennedy
That Ted Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor is terrible news. That's not the kind of thing anyone wants to hear in their senior years. Fighting a disease like this is bad enough if you're young and healthy but it's much harder when you're over 70.

I say all of the above because I'm human and I have compassion for other people. I also despise Teddy Kennedy. I dislike his politics and I dislike the kind of person he exhibited himself to be over the last 30 years.

Ever since that little incident at Chappaquiddick my regard for him has diminished with each passing year. Not only his rabidly anti-gun stance - which, considering how brothers Jack and Robert Kennedy were killed, we might understand - but his sex and booze scandals along with his penchant for wasting tax money.

I'd much rather see Teddy make his farewell speech, gracefully retire from politics and spend his last years surrounded by his large family in quiet retreat. But following in President Reagan's lead would likely be too dignified for a self-centered egotistical socialist like Teddy.

My final thought of the day: Friends, don't let friends vote for Obama.

Have something to say? Email: blogeditor@handgunclub.com

22 August 2008

Random Shots

NRA Spying on Anti-Gun Groups?

In a recent Mother Jones article, now picked up by the blame-stream media, there are allegations that the NRA hired a consulting firm to plant a "spy" inside anti-gun groups.

The Mother Jones article, There's Something About Mary: Unmasking a Gun Lobby Mole claims that Mary McFate was paid by a consulting firm employed by the NRA and she infiltrated several anti-gun groups.

One of the quotes from the article comes from Ceasefire New Jersey's Bryan Miller who said the operation "would confirm for me the way that the gun lobby works, which is no rules, no question of fairness or honesty." Talk about the kettle calling the pot black! Since when has any gun-control organization not lied or distorted the facts?

In reality, is anyone surprised? I've been to local NRA and other pro-gun meetings and spotted anti-gun activists in the audience. Usually they come in pairs for mutual support in "enemy territory". They are usually easy to spot - often taking notes or squirming uncomfortably in their chairs. And they seldom talk to many people about firearms or about fighting a new bill.
Nor would it surprise me to find a Brady Campaign mole working quietly in some corner of the NRA offices. Though I would expect that person to be earning much less for the anti-gun side. If such a "spy" was uncovered, I wouldn't spend much time blasting the anti-gun lobby. I'd be insisting that the NRA (or similar organization) improve their background checks of people in sensitive positions.

Oklahoma Gun Inspection?

A news article described the murder of two young girls in Oklahoma. Both girls were shot to death alongside a road four miles outside of town. As terrible as that is, what the Oklahoma authorities have done in response to these shootings is nothing short of incredible. Another news story says that state authorities sent letters to owners of some .40 caliber pistols, asking them to "voluntarily" submit their guns for "inspection" (ballistic testing).

This should send chills down any citizen's spine. It shows what happens when you combine gun registration with a disregard for the constitution.

Oklahoma authorities are asking people via letter to submit their guns for ballistic testing, absent any probable cause to believe any particular citizen's gun was involved. According to one article, people who don't bring in their gun will be put on a suspect list. That's fine by me. If you want to test-fire my gun, get a warrant as required by the constitution!

Disgusting Anti-Gun Billboard Debuts in Boston

I was going to write something pithy and clever for this one, but I'm too nauseated by the blatant lies and distortions. Read this Boston Globe article and make up your own mind. Richard Nixon was right when asked if he'd ever visited a communist country and he answered "Massachusetts."

Guns in Texas School? Yes...Maybe

As we reported in this HCA news item, the tiny Harrold school district in Texas has authorized teachers to carry firearms. But that action has drawn the wrath of the Brady bunch...er... Brady Campaign in Washington D.C. The Brady group claims that the action violates state law, however the district's lawyer disagrees. You can read the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram article about it here.

But the one thing in that article that stood out was near the end. Not only was it stupid, but alarmingly stupid. Here's what I'm talking about:

Most area teachers would oppose a policy that encouraged them to carry guns at school, said Larry Shaw, director of the United Educators Association. The group represents 16,000 teachers in Fort Worth and surrounding areas.

"I think it would scare teachers to death," he said. "One, it’s too much responsibility. And there’s also the possibility of accidents."

Mr. Shaw is the director of a teacher's association and says that carrying a concealed firearm is "too much responsibility"? Hello!? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't teachers supposed to be responsible people? Aren't teachers responsible for the safety of their kids in school? If teachers can't figure out how to safely handle and carry an inanimate object, why are they teaching our children?

BATFE Rulemaking Expands Definition
of Gun Manufacturer

The BATFE has somewhat expanded the definition of "manufacturer" for which special licenses and permits are required. Some of the definitions are reasonable - like companies who make frames or receivers - but some are downright puzzling.

For instance, a small machine shop is a sub-contractor for Company X who gives them receivers to machine. Apparently even if they just drill holes in the frame, BATFE says the small machine-shop operation is now a "gun manufacturer".

Likewise, if you're a gunsmith and you buy, say Rock Island 1911's and modify the slides to accept Novak night sights for resale, congratulations, you've just become a "gun manufacturer". Even if you just "customize" the RIA with "drop-in" parts, you're a gun-manufactuer. The same applies if you buy several Mosin or Mauser rifles and sporterize them for resale.

They also classify replacing the stock and rebluing old guns as "manufacturing" if it's done for resale. And lastly, if you heat-treat or "colorize" frames (which includes not only bluing, plating or phosphate coatings but camouflaging too) you have to be licensed as a manufacturer.

The key element here is "for resale". If the customer brings in a gun and asks a gunsmith to install different sights, "sporterize" the gun and/or change the finish, that does not meet their criteria.

But such rules can catch small businesses by surprise. It requires a potential sub-contractor to ask the gunsmith or gun shop how he is conducting his business. And it makes you wonder - if a gunsmith uses your company to reblue a few customer's guns every week, then mixes in a batch of old Colt Police Positives, how is the refinisher supposed to know that the shop is reselling them and not refinishing them for a single collector?

There is no doubt in my mind that if this happened, the BATFE would declare the refinisher was, by extension, a "manufacturer" without a license. And they wouldn't care that the guns he received were a mixed batch that "happened" to contain half a dozen police trade-ins.

Hot Dog! Challenges to NYC Permits

A hot dog vendor may be the one to teach NYC mayor Bloomberg a lesson in constitutional law. Daniel Vargas, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic was charged with a misdemeanor crime of simply possessing an "unlicensed" handgun in his NYC home. The full story here, says that it was found as a result of a tip to police about an unlicensed gun, which was found in the basement.

Mr. Vargas isn't accused of illegally using the gun or threatening anyone with it. Just possessing it because he did not subject himself to the indignities of begging the NYC Police Commissioner's office for a permit. His lawyers are citing the Heller decision from the Supreme Court which says Mr. Vargas has a right to keep a gun in his home.

09 August 2008

Today's Bits and Pieces

Guns and Society

Many people argue that guns have no place in modern society. Such proponents are often starry-eyed idealists with no experience in the harsh, gritty realities of life. The truth is this: people will kill you for trivial reasons. It may be for a mere two dollars and your car, as illustrated in my July 19th blog article. People have been killed for a pair of sneakers, an iPod and even for a pack of cigarettes. To answer these idealists, read Why the Gun is Civilization by Major L. Caudill, SUMC (ret) on our website.

Heller Commemorative Revolver from S&W

I'm typically ho-hum about so-called "commemorative" revolvers, at least from an investment perspective. Most of these special models do not hold their initial value as well as a standard gun or a gun that is manufactured in small quantities with special features. But this one may be different. S&W is going to offer an engraved Model 442 snubby .38 special J-Frame to commemorate the Heller decision of the Supreme court. Some of the profits will go to the Second Amendment Foundation for supporting our gun-rights and helping win the case. This could be a collector's gun, but more appropriately, it could be a very good carry gun. With a $575 MSRP it's affordable too.

The Heller Merry-Go-Round

As most of you have probably heard, D.C. made some "adjustments" to their draconian gun laws that fall far short of the Supreme Court decision. And they have refused to register Mr. Heller's Colt .45 pistol. While Mr. Heller was able to register his .22 caliber revolver, the district still prohibits magazine fed semi-automatic handguns by classifying them as "machine guns." Of course these are "emergency" laws that will eventually be replaced by revised statutes, according to the District. So, Mr. Heller is going back to court. We certainly hope the Federal court system demonstrates that it's had enough of this nonsense.

If the revised laws are struck down, I'm going on a letter-writing campaign to the U.S. Attorney General and Congress to prosecute every District official who voted for the changes or enforced the changes. That would be the District councilmembers, Mayor Fenty, Chief Lanier and the District's legal council. These people should be prosecuted for violating their oath of office, which includes defending the constitution.

The Armed Man Credo

Each of us should be aware that when we carry a firearm, we have an obligation to keep our egos in check and be peaceable citizens. Just because you have the gee-whiz polymer 29-shooter does not give you permission to act brashly or in a rude manner. So here are a dozen thoughts about carrying.
  1. Never go looking for trouble. You might find it.
  2. Avoid conflicts when possible.
  3. If an angry argument erupts, apologize at once, even if you are right. (It's not worth someone's life to prove you were right.)
  4. In any situation, know when it's a no-win.
  5. Today's goal is to get home in one piece without firing your gun.
  6. The best gunfight is the one you avoid.
  7. If it's not your fight, think twice about participating.
  8. Your gunfight will present you with challenges you never imagined before.
  9. Improvised tactics that worked in one gunfight may not work in another.
  10. Speed in fine, accuracy is final.
  11. No amount of training, accessories or gizmos is a match for your attacker having dumb luck.
  12. Never presume your attacker acted alone. Keep your eyes moving.

Have something to say?
Write me at Bill@handgunclub.com