30 June 2011

Scatter shots

Latest Gunwalker Scandal Update 

House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa has returned from Mexico.  There's little word on what transpired as sources are being tight lipped.  Issa was attempting to gain Mexico's cooperation in the House investigation.  Word is, however, that Mexican officials are extremely pissed off about the whole thing.  They have not dropped their options to charge and try to extradite those involved for violating Mexican laws.  How much, if any, cooperation Mexico gives remains to be seen. I have to say that Issa has a pair of brass one's for traveling to Mexico at a time like this.  Gotta tip my hat to the man.

Partisan Politics Being Played
We now know that Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md) is going to hold Democratic meeting on “Project Gunwalker” Thursday (today).  But before you get warm and fuzzy thinking that the Democrats are finally getting it, take a look at Cummings (stacked) "witness" list.
  • Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) a completely anti-gun Senator 
  • Paul Helmke, current President of the Brady Campaign
  • Kristen Rand, Legislative Director of the Violence Policy Center
  • A former ATF agent and...
  • "Other gun control advocates."
Well, I'm certainly glad Cummings is going to be "fair and balanced".  He'll give Charles Schumer a chance to repeat his call to "hammer guns on the anvil of a relentless legislative strategy. We`re going to beat guns into submission" and otherwise pollute the air in D.C.

And Paul Helmke will tow the company line, that Fast & Furious is the fault of the NRA and Congress for not giving ATF more funds, power and tighter gun laws.  I'm sure Ms. Rand will tell us that the world will turn pink and rosy, plus we'll solve the middle east violence if only we ban assault weapons and close the gunshow loophole.  Other gun control advocates are expected to be just as daft and looney.

ATF Retaliation?
Darrell Issa sent a letter to ATF deputy director William Hoover, warning him not to retaliate against the whistleblowers.  Such actions would be unlawful.  So what does ATF do?  Why, they fire one of the whistleblowers, of course.  Special Agent Vince Cefalu was given his termination papers on June 23rd.  Typically, the  ATF thinks it can violate the law with impunity.  This isn't going unnoticed.

Jon Stewart Nails Gunwalker
It's probably unintentional that Jon Stewart really hits the satire mark on Fast and Furious in a recent episode of The Daily Show.  He manages to hit many salient points head-on.  His most recent send-up, unfortunately, makes fun of those of us who think there was a conspiracy to pad ATF's numbers.  You can see Stewart's video here.

Political Cartoons
Oh my!  The political cartoonists have discovered the Gunwalker scandal too.  Day-by-Day has a great send  up of the President's answering machine here.  Day-by-Day also did a great satire using Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as the setting. See that one here.

Investor's Daily - Was Gunwalker a Gun Control Plot?
Now we have a business investor's news sheet asking if Gunwalker scandal was a plot to advance the call for more gun control.  When business analysts are seeing the possibility you can bet others did too.  See their editorial here.

Dick "Dumbass" Durbin Strikes Again

Senator Dick Durbin once again proves that some U.S. Senators are not smarter than a fifth-grader. In pushing the DREAM act, a program to permit illegals to stay in this country the Democrats brought in an audience of illegals to the capitol. Not just a few, but almost two hundred.

Durbin, looking at this audience spoke to the future, saying "I see America's future. Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President."

Great flatulent flamingos! Even a fifth-grader knows that the president must be a natural born citizen of the United States to qualify for office, under Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. We should expect more from the flamin' Majority Whip in Congress, don't you think?  It's likely that Durbin hasn't paid attention to the whole "birther" issue, or read that pesky document that enumerates the powers of his job.

Comments? Suggestions?  Flames?  Email me here.

And apparently DHS madam-fuhrer Janet Napolitano looked the other way as the illegals filed through the Capitol building while TSA continues to grope children and harrass 95 year old cancer victims.

29 June 2011

Fast And Furiouser

Chicago's Top Cop Plays the Race Card

Chicago's new top cop, Garry McCarthy, played the race card at a Chicago church recently.  If you listen to the speech it almost makes sense.  Especially if you're black.  But a little analysis shows that McCarthy's diatribe was a classical piece of propaganda.  I was utterly disgusted. If you want to read why I think McCarthy (as well as Chicago's government) should be ashamed, read Of Racism and Gun Control on the Handgun Club website.

Fast and Furious picks up speed

This week things are moving along with the ATF "Fast and Furious" scandal - aka "Gunwalker".  This is the scandal by which the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms allowed over 2,500 weapons to be puchased and smuggled into Mexico and delivered to the ultra-violent drug cartels.

House Oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa went to Mexico over the weekend to seek their cooperation in his investigation.  Mexico is rightfully pissed off about the ATF scandal.  Not only did it provide guns to their worst violent groups, those guns likely killed hundred of Mexican citizens.  ATF guns were found to be involved in the brutal torture killing of the brother of the Jalisco state attorney general. 

Word now is that Kenneth Melson won't quietly let the Obama administration throw him under the bus.  Insiders say that the acting director has said he wasn't going to be "the fall guy".  This, of course, implicates someone higher up in DOJ was pulling his strings. 

The good news is that Senator Patrick Leahy, chair of the Senate Judiciary committee,  wrote a letter to Eric Holder on behalf of Senator Chuck Grassley.  In the letter he urged Holder to allow Melson to testify and for DOJ to release the documents Grassley has requested.  In return, Grassley would lift his blockade on three DOJ nominees.  This has been done  and Melson is expected to testify in July.

Developing story:  ABC-15 News is Phoenix is reporting that some of the ATF "Fast and Furious" guns are showing up in local crime now. This is new and would indicate that not every gun purchased by the straw-buyers went across the border.  So now the ATF has also allowed US criminals to obtain weapons in violation of US gun laws.  A follow-up story is due to be aired on Thursday.

Just For Fun
Ageless Darrell Issa?

This is just for fun. While looking at several photos of Rep. Darrell Issa (D-CA) who chairs the House Oversight Committee, I kept thinking he looked familiar somehow.  I mean, that I'd seen him someplace else.  Well, a little relaxation time helped.  I'd put in a DVD of the 1960's TV show Combat! which was always well written and acted.  And sure enough, that led me to looking a little closer at Darrell Issa.

Here is a composite comparison photo of Mr. Issa and actor Rick Jason, who played Lt. Gil Hanley on Combat for five seasons.  Mr. Jason was born Richard Jacobsen and described himself as "second-generation nouveau riche" and a born romantic.  He was an outdoorsman, hunter and marksman with a rifle.  Sadly, Rick died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in 2000. He was 77 years old. 

Perhaps it's just me, but I see a striking resemblance between the two men. The  noses, shape of the face, eyebrows, even the eyes. 

Is it possible that Mr. Issa is related to Rick Jason?  Mr. Issa is of Lebanese descent so it's quite possible there is some kind of family relation, however remote.  Or could Darrell Issa be one of Robert A. Heinlein's "Howard Family" members from Time Enough for Love?

Like I said, this is just for fun. I happened to notice the resemblance between the two.  But you can be the judge here and decide for yourself.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?  Email Me!

21 June 2011

Things are Popping in D.C.

Project Gunrunner / Operation Fast & Furious

Word on the hill it that acting ATF director Kenneth Melson will resign under pressure sometime this week. Melson is a former U.S. Attorney so he has some allegiance to DOJ. Just how much he may have to Eric Holder might be tested in coming weeks. 

While Melson's ouster is hopefully only the first victory for us, the bad news is who Obama may place in Melson's chair.  Andrew Traver currently heads the Chicago ATF office and, like Holder and Obama, is staunchly anti-gun.  He's worked closely with the anti-gun Joyce Foundation and helped the news media deliberately blur the distinction (see video) between civilian rifles and fully automatic weapons.  Of the civilian-bought AK variant bought for the linked article above, Traver said "You just pull the trigger and you can mow people down".  As he loaded a 30-round magazine, Traver told NBC news "It'll empty this entire magazine in about 3 seconds." Further, he said the weapon "is so difficult to control, their bullets often get sprayed beyond the intended targets". 

Of course, the video shows that Traver didn't demonstrate a semi-automatic civilian AK model, but a Class-III fully automatic AK.  So, certainly it is going to be difficult to control by someone who has never fired a full-auto weapon before. And it's going to mislead the public into thinking anyone can walk into a gun shop to buy a machine gun.

Meanwhile, ATF agents commented on CleanupATF.org on Traver.  One agent described him as a mediocre bureau chief and another said he never had an original idea or thought.  Others described him as a lightweight, someone who curries favor to get ahead rather than solid performance on the streets.  This is the kind of man Obama wants leading the ATF.  This does not bode well for gun owners, dealers or the industry.

Write, phone, fax or e-mail your congress critter and demand they refuse to confirm Traver. Not because the NRA doesn't like him, but because Traver lacks the qualifications to stop the abuses of the ATF and reform the agency.

Now Do I Have Your Attention?

You may think you're looking at a rifle, but you're not.  It's classified as a pistol.  To be exact, it's a lever-action pistol from Rossi called the Ranch Hand. Based on the famous Winchester 1892 action, this one features a cut down stock and a 12-inch barrel! Just the thing for those close-quarters situations. Rossi makes this little beauty in .38/.357, .44 Magnum and .45 Colt.  Just the kind of thing I want hiding behind my leg when I answer the door!  The shortened magazine tube allows for a 6+1 capacity and the gold bead front sight should be easy to find in quick engagements.  MSRP is $536.  Y'know, I think this might just fit in the umbrella stand by the door.

So Ugly It's a Modern Art Masterpiece¹
Taurus brings us yet another new polymer framed revolver, like the Ruger LCR and S&W's new Body- guard .38.  In terms of beauty, it ranks second behind the Chiappa Rhino for ugliness. But for many, it might be a worthwhile purchase.

The Model 85-PLYB2 is a 5-shot .38 Special +P revolver that tips the scales at 18.2 oz.  Sights are fixed, of course and the hammer semi-shrouded for pocket carry. The 2.5" barrel gives a little more velocity than typical snubby .38's.  With the MSRP set around $445, this gets you a small revolver with a street price under $400.  I'll let you know when I get my hands on one how it performs.
¹ Apologies to R. Lee Ermy and the cast & crew of Full Metal Jacket.

Book Suggestion

There are a thousand and one gun books and videos out there. But I'm going "off track" slightly due to the interest in our "survival bag" article. If you are at all worried about some kind of survival scenario or major collapse, you need to read this book:

One Second After - by William Forstchen

This book details the after effects of a real and plausible disaster. One which, frighteningly enough, almost no one is prepared for. The book follows a family in the southeastern U.S. after America is attacked by electromagnetic pulse weapons. With high-tech electronic circuits burned out, civilization comes to a stop. The book is a realistic portrayal of what one man and his family have to face in order to survive. How their local community reacts and what kinds of edicts can be expected. There are lots of hints at the kinds of things you'd need to survive and some of the social upheavals you probably wouldn't think about.

Something on your mind? Drop me a line here.

19 June 2011

Last Week's Recap

Project Gunrunner

The second Project Gunrunner hearing was held on the 15th.  It looked as if Democrats, led by Elijah Cummings (D-MD) tried to push the hearings into a debate on the need for more gun control.  Gerry Connolly (D-VA) tried to blame the NRA as "obstructionist" for pointing out that the BATF has no statutory authority to require reporting of multiple long gun sales and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) called straw-purchaser laws "toothless".  Fortunately, House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa cut that tactic off quickly, declaring it was outside the scope of the hearings.

The DOJ was reported to be in "panic mode" just before the hearings.  This is an odd report if we believe Obama's statements that neither he nor Holder authorized the program.  Indeed, if Holder was out of the loop and it was really Melson and his lackey's in ATF to blame, then a few swift replacements, a press conference announcing a new director to "restore integrity" to the ATF would be sufficient. Yet, Justice is in a panic, so what is it they are afraid will be uncovered? 

The Wall Street Journal is paying attention ... almost.  A Saturday article titled Head of ATF Is Likely to Go states the obvious -- that acting ATF director Melson will be "sacrificed" to protect those higher up on the food chain.  Such a move might placate most of the lamestream media, however I'm hoping that Issa's Oversight Committee has a larger appetite and won't be fooled.

Flash Mobs
Back in March of this year, I reported on flash mobs as the new 21st Century Crime fad.  A recent report on Fox News suggest this is getting much worse.  Young people are using social media technology (Facebook, Twitter, et al) to organize "raids" against retailers. As they discover that merchants are helpless (what can one or two clerks do against a mob of 20 or more?)  they are getting more brazen. 

Someone is going to get seriously hurt.

So far, injuries have been limited to assaults where people are robbed for their iPhones or other devices by smaller groups in public areas.  When they storm a retail store and make off with thousands of dollars of goods it will only be a matter of time before steps are taken to prevent them from fleeing -- like electrically locked doors.  Then what?  That mob will turn ugly and assault the store staff or break windows to get out.  Police are trying to monitor social media sites to stop this trend, but that'll be like spitting against the tide.   

Legal Self-Defense - Where is the line?
I see a huge problem here for licensed CCW's caught in the midst of one of these "flash mob" robberies. As noted in the Fox News article, even smaller shops, like a T-shirt shop are not immune.  So what happens when you're in some small shop and 20 or so teenage thugs take it over and start looting the store?  Since the group entered the store with the intent to commit a felony (grand theft) they are considered burglars not robbers who use force or the threat of force to accomplish their crime.  If you rightfully attempt to stop it (or someone else does) and they are physically assaulted, does that now make it robbery? 

I would love anyone who has legal credentials to give me their opinion. 

To send me your comments or questions, click here.

11 June 2011

Project Gunrunner Timeline

The ATF's Project Gunrunner is developing into a scandal that reaches the highest levels of government.  Like any government scandal, it's hard to follow and difficult to understand unless you have some kind of "road map".  Fortunately, we have one.

Thanks to intrepid souls and gun rights advocates David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh, the two people most responsible for bringing this into the public light, we have a decent timeline.  Reading the events in chronological order can really help you understand the issues.

What is Project Gunrunner?
In short, it was originally a plan to catch gun smugglers moving guns into Mexico. That's what it was doing from 2005 to 2009.  However, in late 2009, under the Project Gunrunner umbrella, the ATF embarked on Operation Fast and Furious which was neither fast nor furious.  Fast and Furious used the concept of allowing some guns to "walk" across the border so ATF could identify higher-level drug smugglers in the drug cartels, then nab them for prosecution. There were several problems with this strategy.

Allowing firearms to "walk" across the border meant they would end up in the hands of the notoriously violent drug cartels.  That meant people would probably die.  It ignored at least one treaty with Mexico which prohibited unilateral "investigations" by US agents within Mexico.  Lastly, arming any criminal or insurrectionist group in another country could be considered an act of war against that country. 

We might understand if the ATF allowed a shipment of 6, 12 or even 24 guns to "walk" in order to make their arrest. But this wasn't the case.  The ATF allowed thousands of guns to cross the border.  The exact numbers are elusive, but it's known to be at least 1,900 and possibly over 2,500.  This includes several .50 caliber Barrett rifles.  Worse, two U.S. Law Enforcement agents are dead and guns "walked" across the border were found at the scenes of their deaths.

Gun Control Link
Remember in early 2009 when both Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State and Attorney General Eric Holder claimed 90% of the guns seized in Mexico came from U.S. "border gun shops" and they called to re-instate the Clinton-Brady Assault Weapons Ban?  That sound bite was quickly trashed by astute observers noting that the real percentage was less than 18%. 

Not only that, but an ATF Inspector General's report said the number of guns traced to the U.S. was declining.  This deprived the politicians of statistics to justify an even greater, more encompassing gun-ban.  In late 2009, Operation Fast and Furious was born.  If you can't find the evidence to support your claim, then you can plant it by allowing thousands of guns to cross the borders, get seized after Mexican gun battles or police raids, then use them to support the "need" for more gun control.

Had it not been for a few whistleblowers and two gun rights activists, by now we might be seeing "proof" that gun smuggling to Mexico is a huge issue that warrants banning "military-like" firearms altogether (except for the usual suspects - the police and military).

Project Gunrunner Scandal Timeline
We've put together a time-line of the scandal so you can see why this has the potential to reach into the highest levels of government.  It could result in the impeachmenet of the President (though politically, that's unlikely given certain realities). It might, at the very least, kill the careers of the Attorney General, Secretary of State, Head of the DHS and the acting head of the BATF.  Certainly some U.S. Attorneys and ATF managers will be blamed. But international conspiracies aren't initiated by GS-14 employees without some major CYA taking place.

You can find the Project Gunrunner Timeline on the HCA website.  It is a .PDF file so you can either read it online or download it and share it with family, friends and non-shooters. I suggest you share it with any "liberal" friends you have to get their reactions.

We'll keep you up to date as events unfold. House Oversight Committee hearings begin on Monday the 13th.  Chairman Darrel Issa (R-CA) plans three phases of hearings, the last of which will be the main feature where Attorney General Holder has to tap dance on the head of a pin to save his behind. 

Comments? Questions? Flames? Email me: editor@handgunclub.com

04 June 2011

Jihadist Beware! Americans can shoot back!

New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims
Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

That's the headline in a recent ABC News article describing the latest propaganda from Al Qaeda.  In a sense, Al Qaeda is trying to worry us that we'll see armed conflicts and mass shootings on our own soil.

The video message features American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, a former California nutjob and a convert to Islam (the "religion of peace" of course).  In his message, he urges Muslims in the U.S. to carry out deadly one-man terrorst acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.

"Let's take America as an example. America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

While ABC News describes him as Al Qaeda's expert in western media, it's obvious that he's bought into the Brady Campaign's own propaganda about so-called "assault weapons".   Taken in by the Bradys hook, line and sinker, Gadahn thinks it's as easy to acquire an AK- 47 in Chicago as it is in Afghanistan.

"What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released. "Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom."

The upside of this plan is Americans can shoot backWe now have 44 states with some kind of concealed carry laws.  Over three million people carry concealed in these states and most will be prepared to intervene against a terrorist or rampaging mass killer.  I can't speak with certainty for every American, but if I believe that any terrorist who runs into a reader of this column whilst on a shooting spree will have long odds against his recovery. 

Americans defending their families are not even going to think about "subduing" a terrorist for trial or detainment in Gitmo.  Hopefully they'll shoot to slidelock then lather, rinse, repeat.

Comments, questions or a better idea? Email Me.

More Great Guns

The Big Bores

Let's get it out of the way first, shall we?

The 1911 is arguably one of the world's greatest guns.  Ol' Slab Sides is in it's 101st year and the Colt 1911 pattern automatic has been made in at least 7 different calibers, not to mention wildcat cartridges. It served as our country's standard military sidearm for over 70 years and has equipped thousands of police officers around the nation.

Today there are more makers of the 1911 style pistol than you can shake a stick at. Armscor (Rock Island/Hi-Standard), Baer, Colt, Ed Brown, Kimber, Para-Ord, S&W, Springfield, Sig-Sauer, Wilson and more.  The genius of John Moses Browning keeps living on and on. There is no question it's one of the most recognizable pistols in the world.

As much as I dislike combat tupperware, the Glock 23 has earned it's place as a Great Gun.  It's exceeded only by the Glock 30 in .45 ACP.  The .40 S&W Glock 23 beats out it's sub-compact sibling, the Glock 27, only because it can be carried as both a duty gun and a carry gun.  Like the entire Glock line, it is incredibly reliable and functional.  All it lacks is beauty. 

Ruger Super-Blackhawk
When it comes to sheer power and durability, the Ruger Super Blackhawk is hard to beat. This
single-action six-gun can take down almost any game on our continent.  It's a favorite for hunters looking for an accurate and powerful handgun.  It's natural pointing ability makes it a winner in fast shooting with .44 Specials and it rides nicely in a western style hip holster.  Coupling the single-action revolver with the nearly atomic-fired .44 Magnum was a masterful marketing coup.  It combined the popular .44 Magnum with the traditional single-action look and feel.

Smith & Wesson Model 29
It's obvious that the large Smith & Wesson needs to be here. It rode to fame in the movies with Clint Eastwood's portrayal of Dirt Harry in the 70's and has remained popular ever since.  Based on S&W's large "N" frame, the S&W Model 29 is the double-action choice over the single action Ruger Super Blackhawk.  It's been made with barrels from 3" to 8 3/8" and even in stainless steel as the Model 629.  It's a hunting gun or, due to the double action trigger and swing-out cylinder for faster reloading, it can be a self-defense gun too. 

Colt and S&W Models of 1917

During the first World War, the U.S. came up short of sidearms for officers and other soldiers who didn't need to carry the 1903 Springfield rifle.  The Colt 1911 production could not

supply our troops with sidearms.  The military contracted for a revolver as a "stop gap" which led both S&W and Colt to produce similar revolvers.  These large frame revolvers were equipped with a  5-inch barrel and a lanyard ring.  The guns used half-moon clips to secure the rimless pistol cartridges.  These sturdy revolvers were popular with those who carried them and many prefered them over the new 1911 pistol.  

Many of the 1917's still in inventory when WW-II came upon us were issued to the British commonwealth countries.
In both post war periods, surplus guns were purchased at low prices and "customized" by bobbing the barrel or removing the hammer spur to make a big-bore carry gun.  This historical revolver was popular enough that Smith & Wesson re-issued it in 2005 in its original configuration, with optional nickel and color case-hardened frame finishes.

If you have your own favorite great gun, let me know by using the email link below. Tell us why it's a great gun.

Also, if you know of a gun that's a real "sleeper" -- a gun you bought that far exceeded your expectations, please drop me a line about it too.

Comments or questions? Email Me.