Latest Gunwalker Scandal Update
House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa has returned from Mexico. There's little word on what transpired as sources are being tight lipped. Issa was attempting to gain Mexico's cooperation in the House investigation. Word is, however, that Mexican officials are extremely pissed off about the whole thing. They have not dropped their options to charge and try to extradite those involved for violating Mexican laws. How much, if any, cooperation Mexico gives remains to be seen. I have to say that Issa has a pair of brass one's for traveling to Mexico at a time like this. Gotta tip my hat to the man.
Partisan Politics Being Played
We now know that Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md) is going to hold Democratic meeting on “Project Gunwalker” Thursday (today). But before you get warm and fuzzy thinking that the Democrats are finally getting it, take a look at Cummings (stacked) "witness" list. - Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) a completely anti-gun Senator
- Paul Helmke, current President of the Brady Campaign
- Kristen Rand, Legislative Director of the Violence Policy Center
- A former ATF agent and...
- "Other gun control advocates."
And Paul Helmke will tow the company line, that Fast & Furious is the fault of the NRA and Congress for not giving ATF more funds, power and tighter gun laws. I'm sure Ms. Rand will tell us that the world will turn pink and rosy, plus we'll solve the middle east violence if only we ban assault weapons and close the gunshow loophole. Other gun control advocates are expected to be just as daft and looney.
ATF Retaliation?
Darrell Issa sent a letter to ATF deputy director William Hoover, warning him not to retaliate against the whistleblowers. Such actions would be unlawful. So what does ATF do? Why, they fire one of the whistleblowers, of course. Special Agent Vince Cefalu was given his termination papers on June 23rd. Typically, the ATF thinks it can violate the law with impunity. This isn't going unnoticed. Jon Stewart Nails Gunwalker
It's probably unintentional that Jon Stewart really hits the satire mark on Fast and Furious in a recent episode of The Daily Show. He manages to hit many salient points head-on. His most recent send-up, unfortunately, makes fun of those of us who think there was a conspiracy to pad ATF's numbers. You can see Stewart's video here. Political Cartoons
Oh my! The political cartoonists have discovered the Gunwalker scandal too. Day-by-Day has a great send up of the President's answering machine here. Day-by-Day also did a great satire using Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as the setting. See that one here. Investor's Daily - Was Gunwalker a Gun Control Plot?
Now we have a business investor's news sheet asking if Gunwalker scandal was a plot to advance the call for more gun control. When business analysts are seeing the possibility you can bet others did too. See their editorial here.
Dick "Dumbass" Durbin Strikes Again
Senator Dick Durbin once again proves that some U.S. Senators are not smarter than a fifth-grader. In pushing the DREAM act, a program to permit illegals to stay in this country the Democrats brought in an audience of illegals to the capitol. Not just a few, but almost two hundred.
Durbin, looking at this audience spoke to the future, saying "I see America's future. Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President."
Great flatulent flamingos! Even a fifth-grader knows that the president must be a natural born citizen of the United States to qualify for office, under Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. We should expect more from the flamin' Majority Whip in Congress, don't you think? It's likely that Durbin hasn't paid attention to the whole "birther" issue, or read that pesky document that enumerates the powers of his job.
Comments? Suggestions? Flames? Email me here.
And apparently DHS madam-fuhrer Janet Napolitano looked the other way as the illegals filed through the Capitol building while TSA continues to grope children and harrass 95 year old cancer victims.