09 August 2008

Today's Bits and Pieces

Guns and Society

Many people argue that guns have no place in modern society. Such proponents are often starry-eyed idealists with no experience in the harsh, gritty realities of life. The truth is this: people will kill you for trivial reasons. It may be for a mere two dollars and your car, as illustrated in my July 19th blog article. People have been killed for a pair of sneakers, an iPod and even for a pack of cigarettes. To answer these idealists, read Why the Gun is Civilization by Major L. Caudill, SUMC (ret) on our website.

Heller Commemorative Revolver from S&W

I'm typically ho-hum about so-called "commemorative" revolvers, at least from an investment perspective. Most of these special models do not hold their initial value as well as a standard gun or a gun that is manufactured in small quantities with special features. But this one may be different. S&W is going to offer an engraved Model 442 snubby .38 special J-Frame to commemorate the Heller decision of the Supreme court. Some of the profits will go to the Second Amendment Foundation for supporting our gun-rights and helping win the case. This could be a collector's gun, but more appropriately, it could be a very good carry gun. With a $575 MSRP it's affordable too.

The Heller Merry-Go-Round

As most of you have probably heard, D.C. made some "adjustments" to their draconian gun laws that fall far short of the Supreme Court decision. And they have refused to register Mr. Heller's Colt .45 pistol. While Mr. Heller was able to register his .22 caliber revolver, the district still prohibits magazine fed semi-automatic handguns by classifying them as "machine guns." Of course these are "emergency" laws that will eventually be replaced by revised statutes, according to the District. So, Mr. Heller is going back to court. We certainly hope the Federal court system demonstrates that it's had enough of this nonsense.

If the revised laws are struck down, I'm going on a letter-writing campaign to the U.S. Attorney General and Congress to prosecute every District official who voted for the changes or enforced the changes. That would be the District councilmembers, Mayor Fenty, Chief Lanier and the District's legal council. These people should be prosecuted for violating their oath of office, which includes defending the constitution.

The Armed Man Credo

Each of us should be aware that when we carry a firearm, we have an obligation to keep our egos in check and be peaceable citizens. Just because you have the gee-whiz polymer 29-shooter does not give you permission to act brashly or in a rude manner. So here are a dozen thoughts about carrying.
  1. Never go looking for trouble. You might find it.
  2. Avoid conflicts when possible.
  3. If an angry argument erupts, apologize at once, even if you are right. (It's not worth someone's life to prove you were right.)
  4. In any situation, know when it's a no-win.
  5. Today's goal is to get home in one piece without firing your gun.
  6. The best gunfight is the one you avoid.
  7. If it's not your fight, think twice about participating.
  8. Your gunfight will present you with challenges you never imagined before.
  9. Improvised tactics that worked in one gunfight may not work in another.
  10. Speed in fine, accuracy is final.
  11. No amount of training, accessories or gizmos is a match for your attacker having dumb luck.
  12. Never presume your attacker acted alone. Keep your eyes moving.

Have something to say?
Write me at Bill@handgunclub.com

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